Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Clean Slate

To a writer, there is nothing like that fresh new journal...the blank pages waiting to be filled with her ramblings.  In this case, a fresh new blog may serve the same purpose.

Recently, I decided it was time to start writing again.  Carefully I chose a new journal that will eventually hold my thoughts, dreams, rantings, and joys.  A new start, yet a continuation of the same story.  The next chapter or the next installment in the series?

Those who know me understand that my interests are varied, and discussing any topic at any random time is how I roll.  This fresh new blog will be a way for me to organize those interests.  As I start a new installment in my "series," this will be a place where I will share anything and everything (within reason)...things that I want to have at my fingertips for future reference (like Pinterest), things that I no longer need but may be helpful for others (like home education resources)...things that I feel like talking about today.

Follow me if you choose...you never know what may come from the tapping of the keys on the keyboard.

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