Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring is in the Air

I've been in a bit of a mood to decorate more for the seasons and holidays.  However, since I have very few decorations, besides my Christmas decor, I'm basically starting over.  Since that is not always conducive to saving money, I'm striving to use things I have and be creative.

Thanks to this idea I found on Pinterest to use foam tubing as a wreath base, I decided to to make a wreath for Easter/Spring.

My purchases included foam tubing ($1.77 for 6 feet, which will make 2 wreaths this size), some rattan flowers and a bunny pick (both from Hobby Lobby at 30% off).  I had the yarn, duct tape, and ribbon in my supplies already.

 Following the instructions from the aforementioned blog, I created the shape of the wreath and used duct tape to hold it together.  In hindsight, I either should have used less tape to hold it together, or I should have shaped it differently before taping it.  See how it's flatter on the side where the tape is?  It wasn't able to be corrected once I started decorating.

Wrapping the wreath base with yarn was a bit more tedious than I expected, but there it is.  :)  This does take some patience.  I had to tie it to start and then wrap away.  However, the yarn needs to continuously be scrunched together to keep the look consistent.  I think I spent about 4 nights (in short time increments) working on this part because I disliked the process so much.

And the finished project...
After experimenting with wrapping different yarns around, I was happy to find just enough ribbon to make it around this wreath.  I preferred this look much better.  Then I used hot glue to attach the flowers and bunny and added a loop on the back with ribbon for hanging.  I'll admit that the end result isn't my favorite, but it works for now.  :)


  1. I like your wreath, Leslie, especially the bright colors, just right for spring!
